Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!
This beautiful Easter we will be worshiping in person and offering online worship! We are so excited to open our doors for worship again!
Bring your flowers to flower the cross that will be stationed outside the Sanctuary on Main St.
Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 11:00am
to access the Bulletin, click here
to access the Insert, click here
to access the Geranium Flower giving list, click here
We will be enforcing social distancing, masks and sanitizing. We want everyone to be safe and feel safe while worshiping.
Please read below for the update of returning to worship and the guidelines we ask that everyone follow.
Easter Music - Selected and performed by Rachel Gragson
Prelude: Choral and Allegro by Leon Boellmann
Choral Anthem: Christ the Lord is Risen Today by Mark Schweitzer
Offertory: Hymn of Promise by James Biery
Postlude: Christ the Lord is Risen Today by David Lasky
Bonus Songs
Returning To Worship Guidelines
Sunday April 4, 2021
11:00am Worship
Dear Cann Family,
We are so excited to invite you back to in-person worship this Easter Sunday! Don't forget to bring your flowers from home to decorate the cross on your way in to the Sanctuary.
In order to ensure safety of everyone, session has agreed that we will take some precautionary measures while we worship and fellowship together.
● Masks are required to enter the building. If you don’t have a mask we are happy to provide one for you. We ask that you wear your mask throughout worship.
● Please enter the building through the front sanctuary doors if possible. If you have disabilities, the fellowship hall door will be available to use the ramp.
● We will allow 25 worshippers in the sanctuary and 25 additional worshippers in the fellowship hall.
● We ask that you socialize outside the building. Please take your seat immediately upon entering the building.
● During worship, we will provide copies of the hymns in your worship bulletin so that you do not have to use the hymnals. Our congregational singing will be done while wearing masks. Worship leadership will be wearing their masks unless they are speaking or singing.
● There will be a box for offering to be collected as you enter/exit the sanctuary and also in the fellowship hall. At this time we will not be passing the plate.
● You will be asked to exit the building after worship service starting with the back pews and moving forward.
Please understand that while we are happy to offer in-person worship service. We anticipate that anyone who is at increased risk or ill, should continue to worship with us online and not in-person. Although we have practices in place to encourage social distancing we can not guarantee 100% compliance. There is always a risk of human error. If you are not comfortable attending in-person service because of the possibility of social distancing errors, please join us in our online worship service.
Session's plan is to continue to enforce these safety measures until guidelines from the state and others change.
If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the Clerk of Session, Gus Smith or our pastor, Rev. Elizabeth Whitmer.
See you Sunday to celebrate our Risen Savior, in-person or online!
In Christ's Love,
The Session of Cann Memorial